Thursday, March 24, 2011

Last Days: Time of Deceit

After Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples addressed  to him privately and said, "Tell us, when will these things? And what will be the sign of your coming and the end times? " Jesus replied: "Beware that no man deceive you. For many will come in  my name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many. You will hear Speaking of wars and rumors of wars, but fear not. It is necessary all these things happen, but still not the end. Nation will  rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in several places. All this will be the beginning of sorrows. " Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24, verses 3-8
We live in evil days. In several places, several people  different, we hear that the end is near. The Mayans believed that the end of a great cycle of life would end in 2012. The history of  humanity reveals that all great civilizations have had their fall his moment of greatest height. For us, the 21st century with all its technologies and advances, it would be the pinnacle of modern civilization that live? As to the exact day and time, Jesus said that nobody can  say, however, as someone who looks to the sky, watching the clouds and  realizes that it will rain, all those who observe certain signs should prepare for the end. In the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 24,  several of these signs are revealed.
It is interesting to note what Jesus is saying. Shortly before this writing, in verse 1, Jesus is in the temple with his disciples. The Temple was a construction of reference for the people of that time, for many represented the place God would wave and was worshiped, the symbol of a religion. He was a very important building for life that religious people who still see Jews weeping at the Western Wall Lamentations, the only wall that still stands the ancient Temple. So as in those days, our churches are a reference to people of today. In a way, are the symbol of our religion. And Jesus said that all buildings that Temple would be torn down and there is not left "stone unturned". With that, Jesus was saying that the reference to religion would be destroyed. Today we understanding of it, because we know that God does not live more in construction made by people, now our bodies are sealed by the Holy Spirit the temple where God lives.
The destruction of reference of religion is a requirement to understand what would happen next. Realizing that something big was coming, the curious disciples ask: "Tell it to us when it will happen, and what are the signs of thy coming? "And he starts with a warning: "Beware, lest you be deceived." The first thing that comes to our mind is: "why or by whom they would deceived? ". The answer comes soon after, when he reveals that many come in the name of Jesus Christs are saying. For us to better understand what Jesus is saying, we must know what the word means Christ. Christ is the Greek translation for the word Messiah, which means Anointed. Porting, in "fully translated" what Jesus said is that the first sign of the end times is that many people appear doing things in the name of Jesus and claiming to be anointed. We take beware of false anointed, because Jesus said that in recent days they deceive many. God seeks worshipers who worship in Spirit and Truth. Jesus said that He is the Truth that sets people free, porting to worship God in Spirit and in truth is to worship Jesus as loved it. And he did it resigning oneself to the will of Father.
Before the start of Jesus' ministry, came a guy who had a very special role to prepare the people for things that were happen. He said that even if people attend the churches of his time, and they consider themselves religious good, they needed to repent of your sins because if God wanted him to raise stones as children of Abraham, good religious. The name of this guy was John Baptist, fully translated from Greek, his name would be more or less, "John, who plunges." The word baptism means "Plunge." John came to lift people out of religiosity that is surface dive to the people in the gospel message is that the repentance, renunciation and life based on God's will.
This message that John the Diver, announcing that Jesus is the same, the Anointed continued announcing, "Repent for the kingdom of God has arrived. " Increasingly we are sure that the time of the Kingdom of Man we live in, is ending. The rules of the Kingdom of Man, based on human will and controlled by the forces of evil will not work in the United of God. Who wants to enter the kingdom of God, who has arrived, you need learn the rules and goals that are recorded in the Bible, especially in the Gospels, and beware lest they be deceived by the false anointed.

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