Friday, October 1, 2010

"Law of Gershon": the brazilian and the corruption

You're complaining about the President Lula? of Sao Paulo Governor Jose Serra? the Roussef, former chief minister of the Civil House and presidential candidate as successor to Lula? Arrruda the (governor of the Federal District, was accused of corruption and resigned)? Sarney's (former president of Brazil)? of Collor (Brazil's former president, resigned to not suffer impeachiman)? From Renan, involved in huge corruption scandal? of Palocci, former finance minister under Lula, accused of corruption? the Delúbio Smith, treasurer of the party of President Lula, engaged in the grand scheme of corruption? Roseanne's Sarney, daughter of Sarney? Of the political district of Brasilia? Juca's? Kassab's? more 300 picks of the Brazilian Congress?

The Brazilian people complain about corruption. Complains that politicians do nothing and that they only think about taking advantage. Why is it?

Check out below some of the "Law of Gershon," also known as "Brazilian way".

The Brazilian complains of?

The Brazilian is like this:

1. - Pillages loads of crashed vehicles on the roads.

2. - Parks sidewalks, often under boards prohibitive.

3. - Bribery or attempts to bribe when caught committing the infraction.

4. - Exchange vote for anything as sand, cement, brick, and even dentures.

5. - Speech on the phone while driving.

6. -Traffic from the right shoulders in a traffic jam.

7. - Stop double row, triple in front of schools.

8. - Violates the law of silence.

9. - Drive after consuming alcohol.

10. - Not satisfied at banks, using the flimsiest

11. - Spread tables, barbecue on the sidewalk.

12. - Get medical certificates without being sick, only to miss

13. - Does "cat" of light, water etc ... (Cat = illegal connection)

14. - Records in the office properties worth less than purchased,
often woefully inadequate just to pay less taxes.

15. - Purchase receipt for slaughter in the declaration of tax
income to pay less tax.

16. - Change the color of the skin to enter the university through
the quota system.

17. - When traveling in the service by the company, if lunch cost 10
ask for the bill, 20.

18. - Sells donated items such campaigns disasters.

19. - Parks in exclusive places for the disabled.

20. - Change the car's speedometer to sell it as if
was slightly rotated.

21. - Buying pirated products with the full awareness that they are

22. - Replace the catalyst for a car that only has the shell.

23. - Lowers the age of the child so that it passes beneath the
wheel of the bus, passing without paying.

24. - Gained the car outside his home to pay less property taxes.

25. - Attends the slot and makes a leap of faith in the game of numbers.

26. - Take business where he works, small objects like
clips, envelopes, pens, pencils .... As if that was not theft.

27. - Sells the travel vouchers and meal vouchers
receives business where he works.

28. - Fake it, all right ... not only what they fakes
has not yet been invented.

29. - When returning from abroad, never tells the truth when
customs tax question which brings in baggage.

30. - When you find a lost object, in most cases
no returns.

And you want politicians to be honest ...

Offend with the fun of airline tickets ...

Those politicians who are out there the middle of that same people or not?
Brazilian complains of what, anyway?

And it's so true, that is the worst! So I suggest we adopt a
behavior change, starting with ourselves, wherever!

Let's give the good example!

Spread this idea!

"They talk about both the need to leave a better planet for
our children and forget the urgency of letting children better
(Educated, honest, decent, ethical, responsible) for our
planet, through our examples ... "


It is one of the emails that I received more true!

The change must start within ourselves, our homes, our values, our attitudes!

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