Saturday, June 5, 2010

Gaza - Fight against the blockade

Image by Carlos Latuff 

Israel is making a blockade of the Gaza Strip.Yes, this is a political issue, which incidentally does not concern us. But stay tuned.

As reported by the BBC Brazil (in brazilian portuguease, for english click here) , the lock does not allow often for food and other essentials for survival. Live there no less than one million and  half people ... a lot of people. It is clear that Hamas, a terrorist group with even a little acceptable methods. But we're talking about innocent people, innocent civilians. This blockade was set to make medieval siege, where strikers blocked the military attacked the city until its inhabitants along with the army not bear hunger and thirst and asked for surrender.

We can not accept that.
Between you also the site of Avaaz , an international activist organization, and sign the petition asking for more explanations about this inhuman attack on Turkish ships! Click here and sign the petition .

"And ye shall begin to hear of wars, and reports of wars; see, be not troubled, for it behoveth all [these] to come to pass, but the end is not yet.." (Matthew 24:6)

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